Saturday 5 July 2008

Saw the 'new' Wes Anderson movie the other day and was struck by how he manages to create these amazing characters that reflect so much of our own humanity back at us... bizarrely. One of my favorite scenes in the movie has too be the race to get onto the train between Bill Murray and Adrien Brody. It ends with a helpless little shrug by Adrien Brody as Bill Murray disappears into the distance at the end of the platform. Hilarious and sad at the same time. 

So life's still hectic, new additions tend to do this to one's life... compounded by Dylan of course... I don't regret anything though and I am enjoying and loving my children despite the lack of sleep... Getting things done is challenging though... I'm working on a illustration called 'Day at the zoo' and find myself painting up to 1 or 2 in the morning... my bedtime is consistently about 12 pm and I get my rude awakening around about 7 am. Do the math, I'm not sleeping much.

Isn't it strange how, with some people, the best you can get is to only manage to talk past each other. No matter how hard you try to actually connect with the other person... it is just no use, miscommunication tends to be a staple when I talk to some people... sad really. There seems to be a lack of desire to cross boundaries, I worry about how I am being perceived... I know my body language so easily misrepresents what I'm really feeling inside. So... just another frustrating conversation ... beating around the bush of polity and appearances. Perhaps it's my fault, I know I try to hide who I am... I've been scared for far too long. I don't care anymore. This is me. Take it or leave it. There are some who get you, the others... well they may never even want to try. 

If you read this ... thanks for reading.

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