Sunday 5 August 2007

Yoga and music...

So haven't blogged fer a while cause things are way too hectic at the moment...There's the baby, which is about 9 cm? I think...Then Heather and Dylan were sick with mega head colds for a week. Pregnant woman plus head cold not good. That was two weeks ago, last week things began to look up but work was hectic since the semester is winding down to an overdue end...lo and behold come Saturday and Dylan caught Oral herpes...Sh*te. Nothing we can do about it since it is viral...just keeping him comfortable and hoping fever doesn't occur. So I've been looking after my two beautiful patients and stressing, Heather will be off work tomorrow to look after D. At least Heather is on the up and up. I've been doing lots of yoga to keep me sane, once a day...and listening to some cool music...My current favourite 'listen to' is an indie band called the 'Silversun pickups', their album 'Carnavas' blows my mind...It's full of musical and lyrical genius that leaves me breathless most of the time. Innovative, unique and some much needed escapism.

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