Tuesday 13 March 2007

On Dylan.

This one is about Dylan. Dylan the cool, the individual, the beautiful. I remember that for the first three months or more after his birth, i was in this love struck daze, and all i could say was how beautiful I thought he was. He has grown some now and is a cute and still beautiful toddler. Dylan is an explorer and doesn't like boundaries and restrictions to his many adventures and explorations. This is difficult because we are his parents and charged with keeping him from harm. Try explain to a 2 year old that putting your finger into the electric point isn't a good idea or that eating your toy just might cause a little more than stomach ache. With Dylan putting on some body armor before you attempt to do this might be a good idea. He is fantastic though and we love who he is. Stay tuned for more about our wonderful tod.

Above: Dylan's substance of choice - PEANUT BUTTER!!
Above: Check out the fish real close and get asked by the staff not to stand on the ledge.
Above: Climbing, climbing everywhere.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He really is beautiful!!