Sunday 25 March 2007

On Taichung Art Museum

We love the Art Museum in Taichung. It is one of the best places in the city. There's an extensive garden-like park around the museum full of interesting sculpture by renowned artists. I love how these are accessible to the public to interact with; Dylan loves the sculptures and often climbs over one or feels the textures on them. We set off to visit the art museum this Sunday in our new car...well old but new to us car...our little mini-minivan had to go for a few reasons, all of them due to the fact that it isn't really a family car...Any case we had a great time...We let Dylan run there and he just goes and goes and goes...whilst we try to keep up with his pace.

Above: Heather, seven years and she still takes my breath away, with Dylan at an exhibition.

One thing I find quite interestingly bizarre is what I think are photo clubs. Obviously a club or class of some sort they get together and take photographs of places and at times they seem to organize a model for a shoot. Today there was this particular group which I thought was quite amusing...everyone pushes and presses forward to get their shot without much consideration for each other while a guy shouts at the model from the back of the group and directs her. Of course... perhaps... it's a "How to be a paparazzi" class.

Above: Paparazzi in training

The art in the museum is great, exhibits change quite often and are of a fantastic quality. There was an interesting exhibit on, comparing art during the martial law period and post. Some fantastic art and artists...I was happily snapping away, while Heather was having an interesting conversation about child rearing, when I was accosted by two ladies who nearly wrestled me to the ground, saying I wasn't allowed to take any photos of the exhibit. It always astounds me that there is a photo ban on some exhibits since they're for public view. In any case I got a few photographs, before being clamped down on, which I will post later. We have a little family ritual developing whenever we visit the art museum we usually end up having waffle and ice cream...western style....and the coffee...the!

Above and bottom: View from the skybridge.
Below: One of my favourite sculptures.

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