Wednesday 23 May 2007

Pretty raindrops...

Pissing down in Taichung at moment. It has been a hectic week. Monday night we rushed Dylan to hospital, he had an Asthma attack. It was terrible. Heather and I were so frightened and felt like we were falling apart. They x-rayed his chest and put him on an IV. Blood everywhere, screaming baby. We spent a long and tiring night in hospital. Dylan was hyper with the medicine they gave him and only settled down after they took out the drip around about 1:30 in the morning. We both snuggled into him on the hospital bed, one on either side. Must of been a funny sight. Heather bore the brunt of the stay because she can't fall asleep with so much noise and light around her. I tend to be able to sleep anywhere so I got a little sleep. About 6 am I had to go get ready for work. They dismissed Dylan before lunch with tons of medicine and Heather has stayed off work to look after him. Since then we have rethought the situation and I think we are discovering that the episode was set of by an upper respiratory tract infection and allergies. Yup Dylan seems to be allergic to something or other. We have decided to send him for tests soon. We feel confident that we can manage the situation. We love him so much. We feel as close as ever as a family. Heather...thanks for being my anchor.

Above: The raindrops caught the flash and created this pretty effect.

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