Tuesday 1 May 2007

Tuesday morning...real early

Good morning world or good evening if the time zone suites you. So Dylan was up again before the crack of dawn...and though I'm sleepy and tired I can't help but appreciate moments like these...because one of these years he'll be all grown up and I know I'll look back longingly to these early morning wake ups...his little face looking down at me. This is part of the strange joy of parenthood...and I wouldn't give it up for the world. So I made rice porridge...it is a staple here in Taiwan for little children..etc...In my being woken up dream state I thought about grating some carrot into a pot and adding rice to make some 'tzou'. So that is what I did. He didn't eat it...Heather reassures me that he'll have it later...but I'm not so sure. I'll try again though...It's getting to be time for my morning preparations to look a little decent...so here goes...Oh! last night I watched Spirited away for about the hundredth time with Dylan....I love Ghibli studio...their story lines are fantastic...and Spirited away is about true love, the power of sacrificial love that allows a person to give of one self for another. Gehiro is so small and fragile yet has this amazing strength of true, deep and passionate love that overcomes all obstacles...I almost always shed a tear or two....and dylan seems to enjoy it too...

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