Thursday 17 May 2007

Thursday is yoga day...

This is my third class and I am loving it...Never thought I would like yoga as much but I do. I find it very difficult and am disgusted by the state of my body...I need serious unwinding therapy...there are parts of my body that I am sure I have not stretched since I was a baby and in Yoga class I have rediscovered what they are...I feel sorry for the poor Chinese girl next to me today since I was pouring with sweat after 5 mins. I'm afraid that she might have gotten sprinkled from time to time (I'm so embarrassed...) BUT I am so very serious about this and determined to become proficient with Yoga. I am learning Hatha Yoga...which apparently is the basis for all Yoga and supposed to be easy and I know why my teacher looks at me strangely when I'm grunting and straining to achieve a pose....other than the spectator value of a grunting and straining foreigner of course....

Typically we go from the mountain pose to the chair pose down to the forward bending pose or something like that...we end up with our palms flat in a pose similar to the forward bending pose....from their we descend into a squat and kick out into a kind of push up pose and then the upward facing dog and then the downward facing dog...We have done some amazingly strange poses... Oh the there are a bunch of warrior poses as well...Still trying to get a hang of things heehee.

Learnt this one today....not as easy as it looks...but fun, fun, fun....

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